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Author: qcv

  • What is a chiller system? Types of devices in the system

    The Chiller system is operated by a generator that generates a cooling source to cool objects, food or is a chiller maker used in central air conditioning systems, using water as the refrigerant. . The chiller system operates on the mechanism that water will be cooled through the evaporator, usually 12 degrees inlet and 7 […]
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  • Guide to identify industrial valves and choose reputable suppliers

    Along with the rapid and strong development of the country. The more industrial parks are opened and developed, the more fierce competition between companies comes with industrial products. In the current situation, there are many companies providing industrial valves, but it is really difficult for customers to choose a reputable and suitable industrial valve supplier […]
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  • Learn the types of industrial valves commonly used today

    In the system of machinery and industrial production lines in our country today, valves, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment are indispensable. We can come across any industrial valve on the pipeline to perform a variety of different tasks: regulating flow, opening and closing the flow, adjusting pressure… Surely many customers still have questions. about this device. […]
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